Best boulder problems in Alcañiz, Spain
Many traveling boulderers have either visited or heard stories from Albarracín. On the other hand, Alcañiz has remained relatively unknown destination for many. This is about the change soon as the new .premium guidebook made by the local climbing association has just been published and the word about this amazing sandstone area is spreading fast.
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Currently Alcañiz has more than 1500 boulder problems and there’s approximately the same amount waiting to be opened! This means that there’s a good chance that Alcañiz will become even bigger than its sister Albarracín.
Here’s a list of the best boulder problems from Alcañiz collected by the climbers who’ve been developing the area in the recent years.
Tibo and Baloo 6A+, Alcañiz.
Name of the route, Grade, (sector), comments
El mejor quinto del mundo 5 (Studio 54) “For the grade super good!”
Nada es lo que parece 6B+ (Camineros) “Nice slopers”
Sudoku 6C (Arenal)
El ciego 6C+ (Barranco del ciego)
First ascent of Rubik, 7B+
Succiona2 7A (El bulevar)
La Moto lengua 7A (La Jota) “Nice roof!”
El reloj 7A+ (Arenal)
El hangar 7A+ (Arenal) “Very nice moves all the way. 7A+/7Bish..”
Bloque abajo 7A+ (La Compe)
The green mile 7A+ (El anfibio) “Very nice aret and a serious dyno end. Just a perfect bloc.”
Via sangre 7B (El anfibio) “Not to hard moves but many of them (about 20), scary top out, extremely nice line.”
Los lunes al sol 7B+ (La Via)
Rubik stand 7B+/ sit 7C+ (El anfibio) “Just beautiful. The most font-like climb I've done in Alcañiz! :)!”
Peche melba 7B+ (Peche melba)
Via Sangre 7B, El Anfibio.
Monumentum 7C (Peche melba)
Los tres pinos 8A (El Anfibio) (WATCH BETA VIDEO)
Now, check out the full info and go out to climb! 👇
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Cover photo by Fer Pieruz, all the other photos by Mikael Uponen / Weak Fingers.