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Best Boulder Problems in Fontainebleau / PART 2

Best Boulder Problems in Fontainebleau / PART 2

Fontainebleau offers thousands and thousands of problems and sometimes the sheer amount of them makes you dizzy. You will have fun by climbing lines as they come your way but if you wish to find the most beautiful problems some planning is needed.


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Here's the PART 2 about the most beautiful routes in the magical destination of Fontainebleau. We hope this will help you to find the best lines and to get the most out of your trip!

As mentioned before, don't hesitate to jump to the discussion in the comments. There is only one truth about the beauty and the grade of a route, right? Read PART 1 here.

Cul Du Chien


Cul de Chien is one of a kind area in Fontainebleau. The walk is about 15minutes and just before the climbing area you will be surrounded by a massive area filled with sand. In the middle of this is a boulder called Le Bilboquet. (Unfortunately even though tempting, it is strictly forbidden to climb this boulder.)

Most of the boulders are low and the landings are flat and sandy. This is a perfect place to spend the entire day, either climbing or just chilling in the sand.

The best routes of Cul De Chien:

Frachard Sablons


This area is only 5 minutes walk from the parking, but it's still rather calm. Franchard Sablons contains a big amount of great problems in the whole grade range and the boulders are mostly low with good landings.

The best routes of Fachard Sablons:

Franchard Cuisiniére


Franchard Cuisiniere is one of the legendary sectors. It was hugely popular before the road was closed to the Cuisiniere parking. Now you have to park your car to Isatis and take approximately 15 minutes walk. 

The best routes of Franchard Cuisiniere:

  • Flux 5+, Super nice problem. Kinda sketchy catch from pocket. -- J. Blomqvist

  • Doigt Dans L'oiel 6A, Monos! -- T. Lindroos

  • La Superbe 6A+, La Superbe is the name.Pure line. Odd moves. -- U. Hyvärinen

  • Blocage Mental 6B, Scary mantel type top.. Mental? Yes. Goood. -- V. Pulkkinen

  • Tranche de Lard 6B, Superb line. Lovely arete climb. -- A. Gasic

  • A bras plat a bras 6C, Troubling start, cool end. -- M. Muinonen

  • Le Mouton 6C, Awesome sloper action. -- J. Laine

  • La Voie du Pin assis 6C+, Awesome block move with left on huge pinch. The sit start doesn't really add anything besides difficulty. Liked it all the way :) -- A. Haag

  • Pause Cafè Direct 7A, This was superb. -- O. Antikainen

  • Le Mur Cordier 7A, Looks and climbs nicely. -- M. Uponen

  • Rétrofriction 7A, Technical slab -- J. Annunen

  • Le Magnifique 7A+, A bit of everything, sharp crimps, small and big slopers, pure friction and of course, nice round topout! -- J. Heinonen

  • Pensées Cachées 7B, High but really nice climb! Stunning line and great moves what more do you want? -- A. Hodann

  • Miséricorde 7C+, Wow a stunning line, perfect highball with sick arete climbing. Legendary problem! -- Daniel Woods

  • Karma 8A+, What a sensation! I've wanted to climb this one since the first time I heard of it. THE classic line. -- Anthony Gullsten

Franchard Haute-Plaines


So close, so quiet, so good. Hautes-Plaines has many classic lines and is situated just a throw away from Isatis and the rock quality is one of the best in Font. Hautes-Plaines has a huge amount of 7's and an awesome orange circuit. Don't let the color of this one fool you though! It might surprise with some tricky boulders on the way.

The best routes of Haute-Plaines:

Franchard Isatis


Franchard Isatis is an all-time favourite sector. The approach is minimal, all you need to do is park your car to the parking lot and you're there. For this reason the sector might get very crowded at times. Especially when there's a lot of people, it's good to remember the basics: park reasonably, don't shout, remember to leave no trash, and while you're at it, why not pick up other trash if you see it! :)

The sector offers gems in all grades and the circuits are top notch. Orange one is a very nice for a relaxed day or a full day adventure. The blue circuit is a nice climb through the sector, but some of the problems feel very hard for their grade. The red circuit is TD, so the grades are around 5 and it's very enjoyable. Couple of the problems are very high though and can get intimidating. 

The best routes of Franchard Isatis:

Gorge aux Châts


Gorge aux Chat is a smallish sector at the area of Trois Pignons. There are people living just near the sector, so try to keep quiet. We know it can be super hard to keep your emotions inside you when trying hard! But still, one can try. The landings are good, except for few exceptions.

Roche aux Sabots


On weekends, Roche aux Sabots turns into a popular pique-nique site when French families go have their walks around the paths. Besides climbing and pique-niques there are a lot of running competitions, horseback riding and mountain biking around.

From the circuits point of view the orange one offers 42 nice problems - including couple of hair-rising slabs. The blue circuit is also one of the very best circuits around the forest. 

In case you're camping in Mousardiere, this sector is basically a walking distance away. As the Roche aux Sablons is very popular, it's especially important not to leave no trails of your climbing, including trash and tickmarks.

The best routes of Roch aux Sabots:

  • Ligne Sécante (blue #11) 3+, Slippy feet. -- S. Milbourne

  • Le Mur Badaboum 4+, Nice warm-up. -- Ö. Bingöl

  • Coup de Pompe 4+, Whaling!!! -- L. Joramo

  • Little Crack 5+, Fun, committing little problem. -- Dan Watson

  • Le Porte à Faux 5+, Easy once figured out, but very nice nonetheless. -- A. Haag

  • L'Auriculaire 6A, Pretty cool little roof problem. -- A. Gasic

  • Le Tiroir sit start 6B, Fun climbing with foot lock -- J. Fuxin

  • Chapeau Chinois 6B, One of the best problems at this grade. -- M. Uponen

  • L'Angle à Jean-Luc 6C, One of those COOL technical routes where you can't push with force. Did it twice. ;) -- P. Jokinen

  • Flippeur 7A, Mentally hard. Very nice one. -- M. Uponen

  • Le Jeu du Toit 7A, Fantastic movement, don't forget the toe. -- A. Adolfsson

  • Jet Set 7A, Absolute classic. -- A. Gasic

  • Graviton 7A, Not the hardest of 7A's in the forest. -- A. Pakarinen

  • Lucifer 7B, Finally, the stars were aligned correctly and my foot didn't slip! -- J. Annunen

  • Sale Gosse 7C, Another super classic and must-do in the forest. -- M. Pelle

That's all folks! Now it's time to send. 

Comments about the list? Would you like to get route suggestions from some other climbing destination? Comment below!

Text by Hanna Vartia, who's working as a marketing manager @27 Crags and prefers her rock 5 meters high. 

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