The Best Boulder Problems in Albarracín, Spain
Albarracín offers 1 600+ boulder problems in more than 10 different sectors. Even though most of the problems are definitely worth climbing, some of them stand out from the rest.
Here's a list of recommended boulder problems by climbers who know the area like the back of their hands.
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- ARR-B39-L2 6A
- El Txavo del Ocho 6A+
- La Lagrima 6C+
- Techo de menos 6C+
- Zig Zag 7A
- Bloque Fontain 7A
- Rammstein 7B
- Mardi Gras & Grasshopper 7B+
- Ineschakra and Manuchakra 7B+
- El Varano 7C+
- Zartako 8A+
- Zombie Nation 8A+
Tierra media
El hobbit FA by Anttoni. Photo by Anssi Laatikainen.
- Air france 6C
- La ola 6C
- Nisu 6C/7A
- Murcielago 7A
- Periñan del campo 7A+
- Levitation 7A+/B
- Garbancito 7C
- SOS 7C
- Gitanic 7C+/8A+
Andreas Gasic on Trave de techos 7B. Photo by Anssi Laatikainen.
- Obra de arte 6A+
- Supermafatacho 6B
- Quebrantamentes 7A
- A ciegas 7A+
- Redención 7A+/B
- Eclipse 7B
- Brainstorm 7B
- Dizdira 7C
- Cosmos 8A
- Batman 8A+
- La Rodilla de Luxor 6A
- La ley de la barra 6B
- Método Bizarro 6C
- Techo don Pepo 7A
- Saltimbanqui 7B
- Palpant 7B+
- Anam 8B
- Valkiria 8B+
Parking Albarracin
Lorenzo Puri on Zarzaparilla 8a+. Photo by: Lorenzo Possamai.
Area Aeroline:
- Sonrisa Vertical 6A+
- La tortuga 6B+
- Zarzamora stand 7A
- Ermitaño 7A+
- Aeroline 7B+
- Zarzamora 7C+
Area Parking:
- PAR-B15-L3 6B+
- Confusion 6B+
- La Letrina 6C
- La quilla 6C+
- Zooruyo 7A
- Rockman 7B
Entre aguas
Text by Hanna Vartia.
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